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False Positive - webmail.ruralwireless.nz


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Hello, danmerpnz,

We are very sorry for the problem you are experiencing. After we improved our phishing heuristic detection mechanisms, there was a misconfiguration that caused a minor number of legitimate pages to be detected. The new version v2.6.6 has already been released with the introduced fix. Please try to update your version and let us know how it goes.
Thanks and have a malware free day!

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2 minutes ago, danmerpnz said:

I have updated to the latest firmware (4.5.32) – see below which differs from the one in your email (v2.6.6) – not sure how to get this one.

I have restarted my PC and tried a Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge and the error still remains?

Your screenshot is the main program, that is not blocking you. What is blocking it is the browser guard extension. We are waiting on Google to approve the new version 2.6.6.


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