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Why is there no Turkish language support in the application?


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If Malwarebytes is like most software companies I'm familiar with, they are always looking for foreign language linguists to help them with localization. If you feel qualified and want to volunteer, I'm sure they would welcome it and might compensate for your time.

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15 minutes ago, alvarnell said:

If Malwarebytes is like most software companies I'm familiar with, they are always looking for foreign language linguists to help them with localization. If you feel qualified and want to volunteer, I'm sure they would welcome it and might compensate for your time.

The customer potential of the application in Turkey is quite high. Many of my friends like me talk about the lack of Turkish language support and they can't get it.

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  • Staff

We actually have not used translations from volunteers for quite some time, as those translations can be unreliable - not necessarily in terms of quality, but in timing. Although I'm not part of the group that selects the languages we translate to, I can give you some insight into how that works.

We use a professional translation service, which allows us to get translations with more reliable timing. Unfortunately, there's a base charge for each language, so it costs quite a bit for each translation job per language, especially when you consider that almost every release involves translations. We've taken a number of steps to optimize the translation process, sharing it across multiple projects to reduce the total number of translation orders, but there's only so much money that can save us.

Thus, we have to choose which languages to support, based on the languages most prevalently spoken by our users, as we cannot realistically support all languages. Looking at the data, the languages we translate to cover the vast majority of our user base. Turkey is well down the usage list in our data. Although that doesn't necessarily mean it won't happen, there does need to be some justification for adding a new language.


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