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after reading about a beta version, i installed it...

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- buhhh, I have never seen that before... (i know, it´s a beta) - this beta build felt scary to me...

what happend?

After installing Malwarebytes - the language went to german, 

but because the translation is still missing a few points, I decided to go back to english.

After switching to english - I got Malwarebytes in "genglish" - most of it, the security advisor "spoke" german and english - everything felt kind of mixed up.

Even if the headline was in english, the explanation was in german.

After wondering what´s going on, Malwarebytes suddenly disapperaed.

The icon in the task bar was gone ... I opend the task manager and I was not sure if Malwarebytes is still there or not.

After a short while, Malwarebytes came back - and now it´s proper english.

This behavior only happend once- after that, Malwarebytes felt "stable" (I updated from



The thing is, if I change the language to german, there are sentences in english - like the description in sec. advisor, which I have seen in german, by switching the language back to english (at least for a few seconds - during the above behavior right after the update).

(before you release the german version, please have someone to have a little look over it - right now I leave it to this, because you are still working on it)


Maybe the above written is not relevant to you, because no one in "real life" will ever update from to 5.xxxx, then, at least translate "Dashboard" to "Übersicht".


guys, i appreciate the work you do - you are on a good way.

Edited by FetzBox22
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Thank you @FetzBox22. We are still actively working on translations, and the behavior right now is this: If we don't have a translated string yet, the UI will revert that string to English, but if it is translated, it will be displayed in the selected language. This might explain why you're seeing inconsistent translations. For the update scenario you mentioned, the Translations feature was added after the initial Preview build release, that's probably why the update was a bit wonky, but for future updates this will probably not happen again 😃.

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