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  1. @Bulis You can rest assured it's not using any GPU resources. The reason the Hardware Acceleration option is mising is because it's not needed anymore. In MB4 it was there for the reason that some users had rendering issues with it on or off, and switching it helped them. However, MB5 does not have those issues, and HW Acceleration is always on when available, but our new UI framework is really good at using GPU resources efficiently and only when it needs to draw something new. So this means specifically when opening a new page in the app, or while animating something. This is a good thing for the user as CPU rendering is more ineficcient, especially if the CPU is older or slower, could cause things to feel sluggish. Meanwhile even a weak iGPU can render much faster. When you run MB5 with the main window closed (tray icon only), there is 0 GPU usage, because we don't do any draw calls for anything. PS: Nice GPU, don't worry about this 😄 (I have the same)
  2. A personal thank you from me to all Beta users who have been here since back in the early Preview and Beta days. ❤️ It was fun for me to interact with you guys and see you catch my bugs. 🤣 Your input and feedback really made MB5 a better product for everyone, and will continue to do so. We hope you enjoy it!
  3. 150% scaling is a bit much for 1080p, but thanks for bringing this up. We'll try to improve this in the future. In the meantime, I recommend going to 125%.
  4. Quick update on this, we fortunately found a fix for the tray area not closing. So it's gonna get resolved in one of the next versions. Thanks @brad03 for pointing it out. :)
  5. @matawak Does the icon still not show up after waiting a few more seconds? If no, then does trying to open Malwarebytes manually result in "Too many UI instances started message"? If that is the case, please grab some logs for us after doing these 2 steps above ^: NOTE: The tools and the information obtained are safe and not harmful to your privacy or your computer, please allow the programs to run if blocked by your system. Download the Malwarebytes Support Tool In your Downloads folder, open the mb-support-x.x.x.xxx.exe file In the User Account Control pop-up window, click Yes to continue the installation Run the MBST Support Tool In the left navigation pane of the Malwarebytes Support Tool, click Advanced In the Advanced Options, click Gather Logs. A status diagram displays the tool is Getting logs from your machine A zip file named mbst-grab-results.zip will be saved to the Public desktop, please upload that file on your next reply Thank you. @AdvancedSetup Can you please move this conversation to it's own thread for better tracking?
  6. @John L. Galt Yup, and we created a bug for tracking this internally, as we will try to solve it in the future. But as the .NET api for that tray menu is interacting differently with Windows compared to the Qt api MB4 was using, this needs deep digging for a low severity bug. As such, it might take a little while for us to get to this.
  7. The system tray isn't really under our control for opening/closing that menu. That expanded menu you are showing is Windows', not ours. And when it's in the open state, your arrow in the taskbar is in the inverted "^" state, kind of telling you to "click to close". We might investigate further at some point, but this isn't a high priority thing currently.
  8. Congratulations @FetzBox22! You are the first one to find it! 🏆 You get an achievement: To everyone else, thanks for taking part in this fun little adventure, and we hope you have fun with FlappyBytes! 😄 PS: There's another (easier to find) surprise inside it somewhere. 🤫
  9. Hmmm, interesting use case. Play Mode was intended for Games. To minimize performance impact as much as we could for those extra few FPS. This closes the UI, pauses notifications, and pauses updates. I don't think we notify about this. If you ran a manual scan during this scenario, you will probably still get Database updates at the first step of the scan. I wouldn't reccomend using it in your use case with Firefox/Excel/VLC. Since you won't be getting any benefit from what play mode was intended for. But it's interesting to know your use case exists. We'll think about it. Thanks for your feedback!
  10. We created a bug for this and will be working on it. Thanks!
  11. That is the focus rectangle used for keyboard accessibility. Maybe you pressed tab by accident?
  12. Thank you, yes indeed this is a UI bug related to context menu scans that we also found internally very recently. This will get fixed soon. Temporary workaround: Make sure to resolve found threats, and click "Done" on the "Scan complete" screen, before starting a new scan from the Windows context menu.
  13. Once someone finds it and posts a screenshot of the result, you and everyone else on this forum will be able to enjoy it. We're all rooting for you guys to find it!😄
  14. VGhlIHNlY3JldCBpcyBhY2Nlc3NpYmxlIGF0IGFueSB0aW1lIG9mIGRheS4=
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