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Got Malware removed but MBAM won't install

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Hi: I have exact problem as you have. But I finally figured it out how to install the program.

Sometimes, things may seem complicated, but we should look at the easy way.

If you have anohter computer, install the latest malwarebytes on the working computer. Then just copy all files from the working computer to the old Dell, then you should able to run from it.

I was looking hijack this, spyware terminater, spybot sd, still didn't fix my tough spyware program. I knew Malwarebytes could fix it, but I couldn't install it, I got so frustrated. Then I finally used the simple method to copy over.

Then now it is working like a charm. ..!! Let me know if you still have problem with this.

However, I still don't know why this malwarebytes had problem installing, could be caused by some spyware that delete the file automatically when installing. (mbam.exe)

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