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Possible False Positive for mtxvec.spld4.dll (Malware.AI.500400861)


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Hello Malwarebytes Team,

after today's scan MBAM notified me of a possible threat. According to the report, a file in my Windows\SysWOW64 directory is affected. The file in question, mtxvec.spld4.dll, is being flagged by the AI module as Malware.AI.500400861. According to windows explorer, the file was last changed in 2011/created in 2018 though, but I guess that information could potentially be spoofed it the threat was indeed real.

I also uploaded the file to virustotal and it appears to be clean:


Since I suspected a possible FP I decided to check for another MBAM update, which was found and applied. After running a second, now manual scan, the report persists. It is attached to this post. (As a sidenote, the file shows up twice because of the attached zip file.)

Since I am pretty paranoid about this kind of thing I thought I'd post here instead of ignoring the issue - or quarantining the file right away.

Many thanks in advance and keep up the great work!

possible_false_positive_dll_file.zip possible_false_positive_report.txt

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