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Please unblock gerson.us

Go to solution Solved by gonzo,

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It is still possible that a download was blocked.  You do have some form of installer available there.  Access to a website and access to specific components of a website may be affected differently.  If you could confirm whether downloads (if they are possible there) work or are blocked, that would help.


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OK.  Another note related to this possibility...if the user read a block screen, noticed the "do not block" and clicked that checkbox, it may not repeat itself (depending on whether he said ignore once or ignore always).  If this comes up again in the future, that would be a question to ask your users.

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HI Gonzo -- The user clicked the 'do not block' button on my advice but it seemed that the block persisted.  That could be due to my client's poor computer skills rather than the software malfunctioning.  I appreciate the follow up.  I urge my clients to subscribe to MBAM and most do for good reason - reliability and effectiveness.  I so appreciate your support!  

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