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Is there a way to see the progress of an endpoint scan on Nebula?

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I work as IT at a dental lab and I recently discovered that one of our users had somehow downloaded Wave Browser onto their user profile stored in our remote desktop server ( despite the fact that group policy should've prevented them from installing anything without my or my superiors credentials).

I purchased Malwarebytes for our server and began a scan, only to realize that I can only see that the task is in progress and not the est. duration or even the amount of files scanned already. Wound up having to stay until midnight as I had no clue when the scan/quarantine would be complete and I was unsure if I would need to restart the server once the scan/quarantine was completed because taking the server down during lab hours would've been a disaster. 


Am I just missing something?

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  • Solution

I realized that it does indeed show the duration left of the scan.


- On the endpoint being scanned you will see malwarebytes icon in your Status Area

- Right-click the icon and select 'Scan in Progress'

- A window will open with the scan duration 

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