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Browser Guard blocks 1 threat per second after loading youtube home page

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I'm not sure if this is expected behavior from YouTube but the browser guard extension ticks 1 heuristic ad every 1 second at precise intervals. I checked the browser console and noticed Firefox was flagging a Cross Origin Resource Sharing related issue. I checked the network log and saw that my browser was directing a GET request to google.com. Which is weird because I usually see a POST request being directed to play.google.com when I don't go through the home page. However this doesn't occur if I just circumvent the YouTube home page and just avoid ever looking at the home page at all. If I land on YouTube's home page the browser guard will start ticking every second even after navigating elsewhere.

I checked some JavaScript files associated with these warnings and it seems there is a script that checks for changes to the history state every second.

I also want to include that I've noticed a lot of weird behavior on my desktop PC recently. Most notable was when I had my Gmail open in a tab and I was able to browse it normally as I installed Adblocker Ultimate on my desktop. After that Firefox would not let me access that same Gmail tab anymore because of a very suspicious security certificate issue. I had to open up my Gmail app on my phone in order to access the activation key sent to me after purchasing a subscription for Adblocker Ultimate.

Another weird thing was when I checked my browser cache I saw that Firefox had 1.5 GB of cookies and site data in local storage. I thought that was suspicious so I left that alone and cleared my cached web content data while leaving the cookies and site data alone. Clearing the cached web content got rid of about 1.4 GB of the cookies and site data as well... even though I opted not to clear any of that.

Does any of this seem weird to you guys?

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I also forgot to mention that many of the cookies in local storage had a data size of exactly 64.0 KB. There were a lot of cookies stored from unfamiliar/unrecognized domains that had exactly 64.0 KB worth of data held in local storage. I should have taken a screenshot but there were about 15-20+ of them.

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