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Rust IP Blocks. False Positive?

Go to solution Solved by Dashke,

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I downloaded Rust earlier and attempted to join a server and the game closed. Malwarebytes then gave me these two notifications for a blocked outgoing connection. Now whenever I open the game and click the server browser these two IPs are blocked without me even joining a server. I have friends on the server and they don't seem to have this issue with Malwarebytes installed. 


The first time it happened the reason was Trojan. The 2nd time I opened the game it was marked Malware


-Website Data-
Category: Trojan
IP Address:
Port: 21161
Type: Outbound
File: D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Rust\RustClient.exe


-Website Data-
Category: Trojan
IP Address:
Port: 28015
Type: Outbound
File: D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Rust\RustClient.exe

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8 minutes ago, SparkyMB said:

I downloaded Rust earlier and attempted to join a server and the game closed. Malwarebytes then gave me these two notifications for a blocked outgoing connection.

As for why Malwarebytes blocks Steam and other games, this is because Steam is Torrent based software, are what are known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications meaning it connects to many different servers/IP addresses (this is how files are downloaded through Torrent based software) and because of this, sometimes Torrent based software will connect to a server that is also known for hosting malicious content.  This is because servers/IP addresses are often shared by multiple sites, so while what you are Playing/downloading through Torrent based software may be perfectly safe, some of the sites hosted on some of the IP addresses that Torrent based software connects to may be malicious.  Such connections are not a threat however, and you may exclude Torrent based software from the Web Protection component in Malwarebytes to stop the blocks from happening without compromising your protection (your web browser and other critical web facing programs will still be fully protected from malicious websites and other malicious content).  To do so, add the game exe to your exclusions using the method described under the Exclude an Application that Connects to the Internet section of this support article.

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3 hours ago, SparkyMB said:

I downloaded Rust earlier and attempted to join a server and the game closed. Malwarebytes then gave me these two notifications for a blocked outgoing connection. Now whenever I open the game and click the server browser these two IPs are blocked without me even joining a server. I have friends on the server and they don't seem to have this issue with Malwarebytes installed. 


The first time it happened the reason was Trojan. The 2nd time I opened the game it was marked Malware


-Website Data-
Category: Trojan
IP Address:
Port: 21161
Type: Outbound
File: D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Rust\RustClient.exe


-Website Data-
Category: Trojan
IP Address:
Port: 28015
Type: Outbound
File: D:\Steam Games\steamapps\common\Rust\RustClient.exe

Since both these IPs have been cleaned, I will be removing the blocks.

Thanks for reporting this and wish you a great day! :)

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