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Can't toggle Malwarebytes Privacy ON


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I have Privacy installed on a MacBook Air and on an iMac - for just about 1 month.  The iMac works fine, Privacy toggles on and off with no problem.  Mac OS Big Sur (11.6)  on a 3.3 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5, 16 GB RAM


The MacBook Air, OTOH, will not toggle back on, after being installed and then turned off ->once<- , inadvertently.  Mac OS Big Sur (11.6) on a 1.6 GHz dual-core Intel Core i5, 8GB RAM

I am a biology geek, not a computer geek, so keep it simple, OK?? ;^) ;^)


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  • Staff

Do you ave any other VPNs running concurrently on the MacBook Air, or any other differences in the network? Any other third-party software that does network filtering, such as some other antivirus or firewall?

If not, we'll probably need you to submit a support ticket, so that support can work with you on getting logs. (You wouldn't really want to post logs here on the forums.)


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