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I've Malwabytes Premium (version  installed on my PC with Windows 10 Pro (version 10.0.19043 Build 19043).

In attachments the logs which I retrieved through MB SupportTool.

The problem is that Malwarebytes it really takes a long time to start (about 5 minutes). I have already tried to unistall it and re-install through the MB SupportTool, but unfortunately without solving the problem.

I hope you can help me, it's quite annoying and frustrating.. thank you!


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  • Root Admin

Hello @paninodimerda

Can you please try temporarily removing the custom HOSTS file you have running and restore it back to the default HOSTS file and restart the computer. Then let me know if still having an issue launching Malwarebytes

Also, what are these PowerShell scripts doing running on the system? Did you set  them up? It's also extremely not normal to run anything permanently from the Temp folder.


Task: {00C27DF7-C921-40BC-935A-63A7B3BFD106} - System32\Tasks\Sophia Script\SoftwareDistribution => powershell.exe 0
Task: {12AE759D-362B-45B1-862C-955A020408C0} - System32\Tasks\Sophia Script\Windows Cleanup => powershell.exe 0
Task: {1A39B8AA-AE2C-4479-A93C-4F243281096F} - System32\Tasks\Sophia Script\Temp => powershell.exe Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\Dj_MA\AppData\Local\Temp -Force -Recurse | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

The entries look like an attempt to use PowerShell to clear Temp folders and Distribution folders. There are tools dedicated to doing this as well as a simple batch file with RD /Q /S.   Using PowerShell can potentially trigger security software to block or alert as a detection


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Hello @AdvancedSetup


Can you please try temporarily removing the custom HOSTS file you have running and restore it back to the default HOSTS file and restart the computer. Then let me know if still having an issue launching Malwarebytes

I try as soon as I have time I'll give it a try and I'll let you know. 



Also, what are these PowerShell scripts doing running on the system? Did you set  them up? It's also extremely not normal to run anything permanently from the Temp folder.

Yes, I set these scripts to clean temp folder and performs other clean operation of the system. They are harmless, but if you suggest other tools I'll appreciate if you can indicate me what tool use.

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  • Root Admin

A batch run with Admin rights should be enough to clear all temp files that are not in use. I keep a folder called D:\Admin\Batch  where I store batch files.

@echo off
CD "%TEMP%\"
RD /S /Q "%TEMP%\"

By changing into the folder and issuing the command the main folder will not be removed.


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Let me know how the HOSTS file change goes please.

Thanks @paninodimerda


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@AdvancedSetup I restored my custom HOSTS removing the line above, I restart windows and I've done from cmd line: 

ipconfig /flushdns

But unfortunately that not solve the issue, so I think there are some other entries in the HOSTS which impact MB..(?) Can you give me all your site that must not be blocked?

Anyway, from GUI of MB I disabled the Telemetry, I don't understand how this can cause boot hindrances of software.

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  • Root Admin

Please make sure none of the following entries are in your host file or blocked by your Firewall @paninodimerda




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