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False positive - wcrespace.com - pleae whitelist

Go to solution Solved by gonzo,

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Hi there,

Malwarebytes just started blocking one of my own websites - https://wcrespace.com - on the grounds of "potential scam".

I designed, coded and built that site. It's a video game fan project. We don't even offer any software to downloa yet, since we're still in the development phase.

I'd greatly appreciate it if the site could be whitelisted, please.

Many thanks,

Owen Davies

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  • Solution

That's the problem.  Here's the technical reasons behind it, which we started enforcing with the most recent version of Browser Guard.  I have whitelisted the site, but that doesn't mean that the browsers won't tighten security there in the future.  Give it 15-30 minutes and you should be okay.




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