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Blocked Website

Go to solution Solved by Dashke,

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The website for the Swansea University Computer Society (SUCS) is currently being blocked - sucs.org ( - however our internal audit has shown there to be no security risk. This has been confirmed by the University who run vulnerability scans on all systems hosted on the network.

Could you please unblock the domain or advise what is triggering the false positive?

-SUCS Admin Team.

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Did not see a block from the main URL but clicking around I got the following. Along with the expected BG block.


-Log Details-
Protection Event Date: 12/28/20
Protection Event Time: 5:43 PM
Log File: 8bf4a3f8-4966-11eb-ac06-001a7dda7102.json

-Software Information-
Components Version: 1.0.1134
Update Package Version: 1.0.34935
License: Premium

-System Information-
OS: Windows 10 (Build 19041.685)
CPU: x64
File System: NTFS
User: System

-Blocked Website Details-
Malicious Website: 1
, C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe, Blocked, -1, -1, 0.0.0, ,

-Website Data-
Category: Trojan
Domain: vhost.sucs.org
IP Address:
Port: 80
Type: Outbound
File: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe



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