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Website blocked for Malwarebytes users

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For users who have malwarebytes browser gaurd, our website www.plushbeds.com is being blocked. We scanned the website and its looks fine. It is a Shopify Plus site and is secure. Shopify scanned the site and found no malicious code. We are loosing business due to this. Please update us where the issue is and why we are getting blocked. Thank you

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11 hours ago, mhughesusa said:

For users who have malwarebytes browser gaurd, our website www.plushbeds.com is being blocked. We scanned the website and its looks fine. It is a Shopify Plus site and is secure. Shopify scanned the site and found no malicious code. We are loosing business due to this. Please update us where the issue is and why we are getting blocked. Thank you

The block will be removed.

If you need additional help, please let us know.

Happy Holidays and all the best!

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