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I wanted to know if there was any news about updates fixing Malwarebytes saying all Office 365 files are exploits?

Malwarebytes has still be giving me false positive exploit notifications whenever I open up any Word, Excell, or other Office Suite documents. 

I know that there is a thing you can turn off in detection settings but I don't want to turn it off. Any updates on this would be greatly appreciated. 

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  • Root Admin

Hello @AllHailShronk

If you open the Advanced option for Exploit protection and on each of the Advanced Setting click to set back to Default settings that should resolve the issue.

If that does not resolve the issue then right click over the Task Tray icon for Malwarebytes and turn of the Exploit Protection and you should be able to open your Documents as before.

If you're still having an issue then post back the requested logs so that we can review further.

Upload Malwarebytes Support Tool logs offline

Thank you


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