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Trojan Detected on Company Website

Go to solution Solved by Dashke,

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Our company website ishafoundation.org is being blocked by Malwarebytes not only from our internal browsers but from people outside of ISHA as well. Is there a way to see if this is a false positive? If not how would I discover the Trojan causing the issue? 

Here is the link showing the warning:


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I wish the foundation would clean this up. As a MalwareBytes user, I came across a recommendation from T+L to check your site out for a stay, but I was forced to inquire and book elsewhere because I'm not risking a Trojan just because I was interested in a retreat, unfortunately. Thought you would like to know this because Im sure I'm not the only one using MalwareBytes (among other software that's also flagging your site btw), and will be redirecting their business elsewhere because of potential security compromise and digital self-preservation. Just food for thought as it's been a month and MalwareBytes was extremely kind to tell you exactly where the compromised file is.

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