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Why is force update not working?

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  • Root Admin

This was a False Positive.

The issue is resolved now. Updated malware db is now live. v2020.08.14.02.
Please do a manual database update, Hamburger thingy in upper left > Settings > Other > Force Update.

Tapping 'Force update' won't show a status notification, the update will take a minute or two to download and populate.
You can see what version of the malware db you have installed by tapping the Hamburger thingy in upper left > About >  App version down 'V' > Malware database


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Thanks 😊.  I ended up uninstalling and reloading from Playstore. That did  the trick. No false alerts now. I have a Samsung 10S on Wi-Fi,  so it's pretty fast.  The force update when tapped only when grey for an instant,  and then gave absolutely no indication that anything was happening... just FYI. 

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