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Lockbit Ransomware

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I have a client that was hit hard by Lockbit. Took out all the workstations but one on the LAN and two our of 4 servers. It turned off and deleted Shadowcopies too. I have Malwarebytes installed on all the devices and it was never detected.

While cleaning up the network I ran Malwarebytes and it didn't detect anything. Alarming and strange. I then downloaded Spy Hunter 5 and ran a scan and the ransomeware is detected. All my clients have  Malwarebytes Endpoint protection, why and how would Malwarebytes skip over the ransomware even after I know 100% it's on the network. It's done so on all devices.

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  • Root Admin

Please see the following topics concerning Ransomware on the Bleeping Computer site

Ransomware Help & Tech Support

The following reply would also apply in your case

Removing Ransomware From An Infected Computer:


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

Glad we could help.

If you need this topic reopened, please send a Private Message to any one of the moderating team members. Please include a link to this topic with your request.

This applies only to the originator of this thread. Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread.

Please review the following for Tips to help protect from infection

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