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Mbam and hijack this and root kit programs are all not working, soon after reinstall they change there icons and cannot be loaded as i "no longer have permission". I have read alot of other posts and they all seem to end with wipe n reinstall but does anyone have the name of this little new feature that is not allowing permision to any programs designed to get rid of it? I had no virus's then one bad page later Avast shat itself with aapc error, and won't load again, then i try to trun mbam, stops after 3 secs, I have since put avg, a2, avira on and they have all found something different. I managed to migrate from safe mode to normal loads. It was saying I encountered a critical error and was logging me off?? If it's a critical error don't you get a blue screen. The consensus of others seems to say that there is a package of virus's and malware that are working together, and alot of people have had similar stories in the past few months. Does anyone know a way to remove this? MBAM might do it but it won't start, i have played at renaming exe's but it dosn't seem to work for me. Anyone with a copy of MBAM that works and has all names changed would be cool if anyone has it? Why is it also blocking rootkits and Spybot S&D? Can anyone help? Does anyone know what the new wave of virus's is, how to get rid of em, etc without reinstall or just find a rootkit that lets you see where it resides?

;) a smiley doubloon to the person who cures me computar of the scurvey arrr

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