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Need help with potential malware

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Hello Tnavear and welcome to Malwarebytes.

My screenname is Android8888 and my real name is Rui and will be glad to help you with your computer issues. Please feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear to you.

I will analyze your logs and I'll be back later with a response for you.

Please DO NOT RUN ANY additional scans or anti-malware tools on your own while you are being assisted in this topic.

Thank you for your understanding.




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Hello @Tnavear

Thank you for your patience.


One thing before we start, your Drive C is only 3.9% of free space

Drive c : () (Fixed) (Total:222.89 GB) (Free:8.81 GB) NTFS


Looking to its total capacity I presume this is an SSD (Solid State Drive). SSDs will slow down its performance when they start to get full. To avoid the SSD slowing down, it is wise not to fill the SSD to full capacity, or store large and infrequently accessed files on it. I recommend you uninstall some programs you don't need or don't use anymore to free up to 30% disk space. If you want to keep all programs, another option is to buy a new SSD with more capacity. 500 GB is a good option.

For now, proceed with the instructions below and execute the fix with FRST.

Warning: This script was written specifically for this user, for use on this particular machine. Running this on another machine may cause damage to the operating system.

Now follow the instructions below to execute a script fix on your system using FRST, and provide the log in your next reply.

  • Download the attached fixlist.txt file, and save it on your Desktop (or wherever your FRST64.exe executable is located); DO NOT open or modify that file!
  • Right-click on the FRST executable and select Run as Administrator;
  • Click on the Fix button;
  • On completion, a message will come up saying that the fix has been completed and it'll open a log in Notepad;
  • Please attach the Fixlog.txt in your next reply for my review.

Please attach the Fixlog.txt and let me know how is the computer running now.


Thank you.




Edited by Android8888
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If you need this topic reopened, please send a Private Message to any one of the moderating team members. Please include a link to this topic with your request.

This applies only to the originator of this topic. Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread.

Tips to help protect from infection



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