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Dizzying Footage of Earth's Rotation Across The Night Sky Will Flip You


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Dizzying Footage of Earth's Rotation Across The Night Sky Will Flip Your Perspective



From where we stand here on Earth, it's easy to forget our planet is in constant motion. Most traditional time lapses of the Milky Way make it look as though the night sky is rotating around us - but it's actually the other way around.

A dazzling video from astro-photographer Aryeh Nirenberg corrects that perspective, making the reality look incredibly lop-sided. Taking a series of images every 12 seconds for about 3 hours, the photographer was able to capture Earth's rotation in relation to the Milky Way.

The result is a steadily tilting floor that looks as though it's about to dump you off the face of the planet

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DSCOVR: Deep Space Climate Observatory



About the Mission

The Deep Space Climate Observatory, or DSCOVR, will maintain the nation's real-time solar wind monitoring capabilities
which are critical to the accuracy and lead time of NOAA's space weather alerts and forecasts. Without timely and accurate warnings, space weather events like the geomagnetic storms caused by changes in solar wind have the potential to disrupt nearly every major public infrastructure system, including power grids, telecommunications, aviation and GPS.

DSCOVR will succeed NASA's Advanced Composition Explore's (ACE) role in supporting solar wind alerts and warnings from the L1 orbit, the neutral gravity point between the Earth and sun approximately one million miles from Earth. L1 is a good position from which to monitor the sun, because the constant stream of particles from the sun (the solar wind) reaches L1 about an hour before reaching Earth.

From this position, DSCOVR will typically be able to provide 15 to 60 minute warning time before the surge of particles and magnetic field, known as a coronal mass ejection (or CME), associated with a geomagnetic storm reaches Earth. DSCOVR data will also be used to improve predictions of geomagnetic storm impact locations. Our national security and economic well-being, which depend on advanced technologies, are at risk without these advanced warnings.

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