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Even one drink a day may increase cancer risk


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Even one drink a day may increase cancer risk


Tokyo: If you thought one-two drinks a day would not do any harm, think again. Researchers in Japan have found that even light alcohol consumption might increase the risk.

In the study published in the journal Cancer, the overall cancer risk appeared to be the lowest at zero alcohol consumption. The elevated risk appeared to be explained by alcohol-related cancer risk across relatively common sites, including the colorectum, stomach, breast, prostate and esophagus.

One drink a day may increase cancer risk, but this expert says you don’t need to stop


In terms of other physical benefits of alcohol, White says there are very few. But while the study may be alarming to those who enjoy a nightly glass of wine or beer, he doesn’t suggest that stopping drinking entirely is necessary. “I think the important thing we're learning here is that even at relatively low levels of consumption, alcohol is not benign,” White tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “But you just have to make the choice about drinking like you would other choices that affect your health — like how much we eat and when.”

White adds that doing things that make you happy can also add to your wellbeing. “It could be that, for you, that glass of wine with dinner is just really relaxing and you really enjoy it. That's beneficial,” he says. “You really need to make careful choices about how much alcohol you consume. It doesn't mean that people should avoid drinking if you want to drink.”

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