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Court bans Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram in Germany


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Court bans Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram in Germany


The Munich district court ruled: Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook and Facebook Messenger in their current form violate patents that Blackberry holds. It involves several individual functions that are not critical to the operation of the apps.
The verdict is not yet final, Blackberry can enforce the ban but already.
Facebook declares that it will be more likely to rebuild its apps than to switch them off in Germany.
Background is a series of international patent lawsuits filed by Blackberry that have accused the company of being a "patent troll".

Millions of Germans use Instagram, Whats app and Facebook. Now, the district court Munich I has decided that the Facebook Group may no longer offer these apps in their current form. In nine cases, the court ruled Thursday that parts of the software violated patents owned by the Canadian company Blackberry. A spokeswoman for the court said: "By the judgments the offer and delivery of the aforementioned applications in the FRG for the use in the FRG is forbidden, as far as they use the patents patent." Facebook can comply with the ban by offering apps "no longer offers and delivers or previously modified so that the specifically attacked functionality is changed."

The ruling is not yet final, and the Facebook spokesman said it may appeal. However, the group could still be forced to act because the judgment is "provisionally enforceable". If Blackberry deposits a sum of money with the judiciary or gives Facebook a guarantee as security, Facebook must implement the ban. The money would be a security in the event that the Higher Regional Court Facebook's appeal granted. Then Blackberry would have to compensate for the damage that Facebook could have already incurred. In each case, the court has set an amount between one million and 1.6 million euros as security. Blackberry was not available for comment on Friday.

It is unlikely that the company will shut down Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook and Facebook Messenger in Germany if that security is provided. A spokesperson for the group said, "We will continue to be able to provide all of our apps in Germany." The lawsuits affect a few specific features of our apps, and we already have software updates in place to meet the cease and desist requirements BlackBerry decides to execute it. "

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