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Ignore List

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Hi! If you have the paid version, and you stumble on a site thats infected. Malwarebytes will pick it up. It will give you a choice to Ignore or put in Quaratine but as far as I know at this time you cannot add to the Ignore list. Please post back with any questions, comments, regards.....


How can I add this into my "Ignore List"
Also I see you have the same question in the F/P forum with an issue on a blocked site...Give them some time to look into it, and they can expand on your question....
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Hi! If you have the paid version, and you stumble on a site thats infected. Malwarebytes will pick it up. It will give you a choice to Ignore or put in Quaratine but as far as I know at this time you cannot add to the Ignore list. Please post back with any questions, comments, regards.....

EDIT: Also I see you have the same question in the F/P forum with an issue on a blocked site...Give them some time to look into it, and they can expand on your question....

I do indeed have the paid version...

The program is not giving me an opportunity to ignore this site....

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Is your issue with the IP Protection popup?


If it is, there is no ignore capability for individual IP's. You can submit the site you are asking about as a false positive in the False Positives forum to see if it can be removed from the malicious list.

Thanks for posting the pic! I ran out of Jpeg space with all the others I had in my control panel....later

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