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CPU shows 100% when opening Task manager


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So sinds a few weeks i've begining to notice that whenever I open the task manager it shows 100% cpu usage for like a second and after I keep it open it goes down to a more normal %. I was just curious if this is normal or if there maybe could be  wrong with my pc. In the screenshots ive uploaded u can see what it looks like whenever I open taskmanager and it just shows that for like 1 second and after that it goes to like 50 % and after that to a normal 10 - 15 %. Ive runned malwarebytes multiple times but it doesnt detect any malware on my pc



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  • 2 months later...
On 11/24/2019 at 4:22 PM, Oktayyc said:

So sinds a few weeks i've begining to notice that whenever I open the task manager it shows 100% cpu usage for like a second and after I keep it open it goes down to a more normal %. I was just curious if this is normal or if there maybe could be  wrong with my pc. In the screenshots ive uploaded u can see what it looks like whenever I open taskmanager and it just shows that for like 1 second and after that it goes to like 50 % and after that to a normal 10 - 15 %. Ive runned malwarebytes multiple times but it doesnt detect any malware on my pc



Hi buddy, did you find any possible solution to this yet?



Noel Smith

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It isn't something that anyone can 'fix' but Microsoft; it's just the way Task Manager is displayed now when you open it afresh in Windows 10.

No doubt it will go back to initially showing 0% following some future Patch Tuesday, if they ever get around to it.
It won't exactly be a priority as there is nothing really wrong and it's only shown for a second or so.
Nothing is actually using 100% CPU, it's just an initial display.

If you leave TM open but minimized to the taskbar then you won't see it again. It's only when you open TM afresh that you see it each time.

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