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My Iphone getting tapped?


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-I'm in the insurance business and for the record, everything I do is legal.

-Bought a brand new Iphone 11 last week and decided to get a new number

-As soon as I placed my apple ID and password,  I get a weird call right there in the store. Everyone was dumfounded, me included.

- That same afternoon, I called an insurance broker I collaborate with and our conversation was plagued by screeching sounds. I informed the broker that we were getting a new account from one of the major brokers and as soon as I hung up the call, I get another phone call but this time, Malwarebytes was warning me that I was receiving a spam call titled 00000.

-I didn't answer the call although I had a problem accessing the internet afterwords. Not sure if the internet access was related or not

-I suspect that my conversations are getting tapped upon by an organization with deep pockets. I had to move to another state to start fresh and I even changed my number but the problem continues

-I have since changed my iCloud password and yes, I have 2-factor authentication and yes, only my MBP, Ipad and Iphone 11 are authorized in iCloud

-Can someone actually listen to my conversations if they have my apple ID?

-I have changed the password in my iphone and have de-authorized the MBP and iPad as a matter of troubleshooting

-Oh and my hotspot had a life of its own a couple days ago. I conducted a reset and password protected it.

-any pointers? Weird isn't it? I have downloaded SIGNAL, a VPN as well.

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4 hours ago, Gus123 said:

-Can someone actually listen to my conversations if they have my apple ID?

Nothing like that has ever been reported, to my knowledge and I read most all Apple related security postings daily. Cell conversations can be legally monitored with a court order and proximity to one of the involved parties, so presumably could be illegally monitored with the proper equipment. If you allow WiFi calling, I suspect anybody able to access the WiFi network you are using might be able to, again with the proper equipment.

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