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90 days trial being ltd to 60 days ! Support ?

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1st time out with a trial on my Android phone to try Malwarebytes:  90 days trial starting at end of December.  But I am getting notices on the phone that trial ends at end of this month February.  Opps...what happened to the remaining 30 days ?

1.  Can I be directed to MWB support to address this ?

2.  In the last two months, I have accumulated a few questions coming through my experience related to having the protection on my phone.  Is there a most appropriate location to discuss them, or should I ask support my questions. (These are questions related to giving up administrative control to MWB.  Intuitively I can see the practicality of this , but am a little uncomfortable about it.)

I would be very appreciative of offers directing me .....

               Thank you in advance !


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