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Deleted MalwareBytes Now Cannot Reload

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I am a desk top home user and inexperienced in any advanced computer techniques/manipulation/input.(Equipment: Dell computer/Windows 7 Program) I downloaded MalwareBytes a while back and it pulled 5 Trojans off my computer. I was told it was a FREE program, but after a few days discovered that registration payment was due after "X amount of time". Someone is using the program on a laptop and insists he never has to pay a penny. I deleted the program and went back searching for the absolutely "free" Malwarebytes download--didn't find. At this time I keep getting a report when trying to download MalwareBytes again that it is being prevented from loading. How do I get around this blockade of the download? Is there a totally FREE version?  Where is it?  Thank you very much

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oh i see, you want to indefinitely keep it running. malwarebytes is no longer available in a free edition like the old days. the download is usually used to fix malware issues as they come up or emergency situations, but once remediated its good to tell the customer, friend or family to purchase it for continued protection as its only available indefinitely if one purchases it.

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snipe hunt indeed!, and yes " download it to check for nasties then delete/not use it again" works everytime. Its a great product. use it in addition to this tool malwarebytes uses too (junkwareremoval| tool . I usually run it after the free mbytes as a just in case.




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  • Root Admin

Hello @Farfetched and  :welcome:

The installation of Malwarebytes starts a 14 day Trial. After that trial period, the program will revert to the free version and will no longer load the live protection modules.

If you think you're infected though, let me know and we can run some scans to check your system.

Thank you





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