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Malwarebytes for Mac Enough

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My wife and I have Windows computers.  My daughters have Macs.......they have been going without any virus protection. . .. I though macs were pretty much impervious to virus problems....having a much more secure operating system than Windows.  Anyway.....I put malwarebytes premium on my duaghter's  Mac Probook because she was concerned and it quarantined four different malwares........Not sure what they were... at least one of them had a bunch of nonsensical numbers and letters...so we deleted from the system and now she is using Malwarebytes Premium.  So the age old question....is Malwarebytes for Mac enough.

Parenthetically, on my Windows computers, I run Kaspersky and Malwarebytes premiums....too much bad experience with viruses and malware in the past...requiring several reinstalls over the years and my business being down for days at a time.   Never again.  Thanks.

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Yes, we believe that Malwarebytes for Mac should be sufficient.

Of course, it's important to realize that no protection is ever 100%. Anyone who claims their software will protect you 100% is lying to you. So even with Malwarebytes installed, you should still be sure to exercise caution online, and to avoid thinking that you're 100% safe just because you have a Mac with Malwarebytes (or any other antivirus software) installed.

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