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Got a detection this morning on ONE computer but the file doesn't seem to be malicious. Please explain how this batch file is a Trojan:

Trojan.Agent.Trace         Quarantined      C:\DelUS.bat



attrib -R "C:\Users\MICHAE~1.BRI\AppData\Local\Temp\DelE864.tmp"

del "C:\Users\MICHAE~1.BRI\AppData\Local\Temp\DelE864.tmp"

if exist "C:\Users\MICHAE~1.BRI\AppData\Local\Temp\DelE864.tmp" goto Repeat

attrib -R "\DelUS.bat"

del "\DelUS.bat"
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There have been quite some different Trojans that created this as well.

Some examples are: 




There are a few other ones that created these too. We used to see it more often a few years ago.

You find more, using the following search-query:


Additionally, it could have also be created manually, not by Trojans. But the majority are traces by Trojans. Nevertheless, it's safe to remove if you didn't manually created it, especially since it points to contents of the temp folder (in this case)

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