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MBAM blocks the IP, which belongs to a program called Revo Uninstaller. I've been using it for years and like it. However, now I can't get to their website (revouninstaller.com), and I cannot use the internal updater either. Please fix this FP. Thanks in advance.

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This IP range has been blocked because it is currently hosting quite a few malicious sites across the range, and the hosting company has failed to take down the malicious sites.


If possible, I'd suggest asking the sites owner to move the site to a different range and/or hosting company.

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i am a member of Revo Uninstaller team. We would like to ask you to update your IP blocking module, because for us changing the hosting company is not the solution. It is not the right decision to block the whole range of 255 IP addresses, because of only 57 malicious IP addresses. Even if we change our hosting company, this will not be a guarantee that in the range of our new IP address will not be placed

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i am a member of Revo Uninstaller team. We would like to ask you to update your IP blocking module, because for us changing the hosting company is not the solution. It is not the right decision to block the whole range of 255 IP addresses, because of only 57 malicious IP addresses. Even if we change our hosting company, this will not be a guarantee that in the range of our new IP address will not be placed

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@ TeMerc

Excuse me for butting in here, but I just wanted to say that this is a great analogy! I never thought of it that way and I think that it (well hopefully) will help people understand better whats going on with the IP blocking and WHY.

companies(landlords) are all more than willing to accept money from anyone(tenant) who wants to use their service but then not bother reacting when said tenants are selling crack cocaine on their property. I don't get that mentality, but maybe it's just me.
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@ TeMerc

Excuse me for butting in here, but I just wanted to say that this is a great analogy! I never thought of it that way and I think that it (well hopefully) will help people understand better whats going on with the IP blocking and WHY.

Sadly, I'm doubtful it will have any impact. When it comes to dollars or sense, dollars will win in most every instance.

Another thing I'd add, if I found out I moved into a neighborhood that was full of criminals and criminal activity, I'd move no matter what it took. Moving your site off a site is cake, with minimal cost but would show the people that use your product what really matters to you. It's all about perception and association.


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Thank you for your prompt comments!

I hope you understood me right. We like your product and the new IP blocking module is a great conception, but it should work precisely. Said in your way of expression, it is not right to put in prison somebody just because he lives in a criminal neighborhood. If you are a good policeman you should be able to distinguish bad people from the good ones even if they live on the same street. It is not right and not fair too good people to suffer and to make sacrifices because of criminals in their neighborhood.

Let us choose what the best for our users is. If one day we change our hosting, that should be done in order to provide better quality services to our users, not to meet the requirements of your IP blocking module. Our product really matters to us and we show this trying to provide a quality product and professional support to our users.

As much as Revo Uninstaller web site is not a malicious one, it should not be blocked and reported as a malicious site by the IP blocking module, no matter where it is hosted; otherwise it is just a false positive that should be fixed by Malwarebytes.

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Thank you for your prompt comments!

I hope you understood me right. We like your product and the new IP blocking module is a great conception, but it should work precisely. Said in your way of expression, it is not right to put in prison somebody just because he lives in a criminal neighborhood. If you are a good policeman you should be able to distinguish bad people from the good ones even if they live on the same street. It is not right and not fair too good people to suffer and to make sacrifices because of criminals in their neighborhood.

Let us choose what the best for our users is. If one day we change our hosting, that should be done in order to provide better quality services to our users, not to meet the requirements of your IP blocking module. Our product really matters to us and we show this trying to provide a quality product and professional support to our users.

As much as Revo Uninstaller web site is not a malicious one, it should not be blocked and reported as a malicious site by the IP blocking module, no matter where it is hosted; otherwise it is just a false positive that should be fixed by Malwarebytes.

I buy some of that to a degree. But why would you want to stay on an IP where others are conducting malicious activity? Based on what you say about providing better service, it appears by your own admission you should be moving hosting companies.

If the actual concern is your customers, moving from the neighborhood is the fix so they don't get 'mugged' trying to get to you.

But maybe, that's just my twisted way of thinking, call me crazy.

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To cut to the chase, allow me to clarify something.

An IP address is blocked if;

1. It serves only one host, and that host is malicious

2. It serves multiple hosts and a good majority of those are malicious

3. In addition to #1 and #2, the hosting company either fails to respond to abuse reports and/or, fails to take down the malicious content

An IP range is blocked if;

1. Multiple IP's on the range are carrying malicious content

2. The host either fails to respond to abuse reports and/or, fails to take down the malicious content

The latter of these was the case here. I have however, modified the block for this one, so your IP is unblocked.

If there is a problem with the way we do this, I'd suggest trying to convince your hosting company to start responding to abuse reports, and start taking down malicious content when it is brought to their attention.

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The latter of these was the case here. I have however, modified the block for this one, so your IP is unblocked.

As of today, that Ip address is still blocked ?? I've already updated MBAM with the latest data base. Hopefully, in the next version update we can have an option to allow certain IP to get through ??? Just a thought from a user :)

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