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fake facebook wheel prize

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hi everybody, today my mom was using browsing chrome on her smartphone looking for a cake recipe.

she called me because she got a screen with a fake facebook wheel that was saying "congratulations", click to win a prize, or kind of.

she forgot how she made it to happen :-|   

i didn't click anything and i tried to avoid it by closing the chrome window and deleting browser history.

i scanned the device with Malwarebytes mobile Premium and it didn't find anything, looks clean. WHY?

i was sure she got a virus or kind of, why nothing is showing from scans and nothing was blocked? what was that wheel?

thank you

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hi @florinch! thank you very much for your help!

sadly i don't have any info anymore about that ip since my mom forgot where she went to and i had to delete browser history.

i just ran a lot of scans and nothing found, neither blocked the time when she visited it, i really don't know if i'm infected or not..

i changed passwords, just in case

anything left i can do?

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Hi @ParanoiaBoy,

These types of ads are browser related. This is caused by the way most browsers handle redirections executed by javascript code.  Most browsers don't do a great job of preventing these redirects, which also cause ad pop-ups.  Advertising affiliates are aware of this, and exploit this weakness.  Even if an advertising affiliate is shut down for using this exploit, they just come back with a different affiliate id and are right back at it.

The best way to block these pop-ups are to try a different browsers, disable javascript, install a browser with ad blocking (like Opera), and/or install Ad-block Plus.

If you encounter these pop-ups again, back out of them using Android's back key. Also, clearing your history and cache will help stop the ads from reoccurring — which I've seen you already done.

Thanks for reaching out,

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  • 3 months later...

hello, sorry if i'm "necroposting" this, but it happened again and i really need your precious help!

this time it happened on my computer (not on android), when i tried to go to a website that i thought it was safe ( which i didn't visit since a long time). 

a fake lottery prize pop-up happened. i immediately closed the website, but i don't understand why mbam block didn't show up. is it for the same reasons you wrote above on this topic?

(browser: chrome, kaspersky + mbam, mbam extension on)

the url is in the attached image (just google metagame.it to see it by yourself )

are my passwords and all at risk?




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