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Is update 3.4.5 another forced trial?

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Background:  When the free Malwarebytes program I was using said they had a free updated version (3.4.4) I agreed.  However, it did not inform me that it would remove my free version and force me into a "trial".  Since this "trial" was forced on me without my knowledge or permission I was concerned that if I didn't buy a premium I would lose all use.  I was relieved when it went back to the "free" version, but as soon as that happened I immediately get daily notifications requesting to update to 3.4.5.  Since the "trial" was underhanded, I am once again concerned that I might again be forced into a new "trial" and if they keep doing this, I may lose use of the free program, which is all I require at this point.  My concern is even higher when I look up the change log for 3.4.4 and there is no mention of the new versions being a forced "trial".  When I open Malwarebytes the Dashboard says I am running 3.4.4 (free version) and that updates are "current".  However it also has a button to "Upgrade" and I constantly get nagging notifications to "upgrade".


1)   Why do both the request to upgrade and the change log both not inform us this is not an upgrade to another "free" version, but to a "trial" version?  I'm not saying it is wrong to change the marketing strategy, but why not be open and honest about it and say that before we upgrade (or at least give us the option during the upgrade process to opt-out of the trial?

2)  Since updates are "current", what is the advantage to "upgrade now"?

3) If I "upgrade now" will I be forced into yet another "trial" with the daily nagging notifications to activate or will the new "upgrade" remain the "free" version I have now?

4) Is there a way to turn off notifications to "upgrade" but still notify me when there are "updates"?

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I am assuming you have not read any of the user documentation available for this product.  The answer to your main question can be found here:


Here are answers to all...

  1. Most people want to take advantage of the premium trial.  I believe the free version now has a single scan set up to protect you, and it updates the protection database then.  Beyond that, it offers no real time protection when you are in the free mode.  You always have the ability to terminate the extra protection we offer you.
  2. There are database updates (protection) and there is a program upgrade (free/trial to premium). They are two different things.
  3. Upgrade means upgrade to premium.  Not free and not trial...premium.
  4. We will not tell you about program upgrades if you turn off the first two settings on this page (https://www.malwarebytes.com/support/guides/mb/Settings.html#appupdates

If you turn off the settings mentioned in item #4, you will NEVER know when we are offering a new version unless you check the web site.

Edited by gonzo
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Thank you for your reply.  Yes, I did read the user documentation when I first installed the product, but not on a regular basis in case some things are different (such as forcing the trial on us).  I do understand the purpose of forcing everyone into the "trial" is a marketing technique to get more paid subscriptions, which of course I have no problem with.  My complaint (as well as others I've seen) is that it was done underhanded.  When we were asked to update to another free version, which I agreed to, it did not say that it was changing my free version to a trial.  All they had to do was inform the customers what they were doing and explain that once the trial ended it would go into another "free" version.

Also, my only reason for asking about turning off the two items you listed was that it seemed that I had nagging notifications every day (or more) asking me to upgrade to the paid version.  However, I waited and never disabled the update notifications, and the nagging notifications did stop on their own - so I guess those notifications were just for the days before and after the trial ended.  I do want to see when new products are released but do not want nagging once I decide not to do an upgrade.  And that is exactly what your product is doing now - it is letting me run the free version without any repeated notifications about upgrading to the current version but will let me know when another version comes out.  That is exactly what I want..

So I am very happy with your product and may upgrade to premium when I move to my new computer - this one I'm phasing out.  My real only concern was changing the free version to a trail without informing us in advance.  Since it ended up back to free after the trial ended, all worked out in the end.  Thank you..

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On 4/13/2018 at 1:27 PM, bb_aes said:

...When we were asked to update to another free version, which I agreed to, it did not say that it was changing my free version to a trial.  All they had to do was inform the customers what they were doing and explain that once the trial ended it would go into another "free" version...

Hi bb_aes:

Instead of waiting the full 14 days for the trial version of MB Premium to revert back to MB Free on its own, you can also go to Settings | Account Details and click the Deactivate Premium Trial button as shown in the support article Deactivate the Malwarebytes for Windows Premium Trial to disable the trial of the real-time Premium protection features and immediately switch back to MB Free.
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox v52.7.3 * Norton Security Premium v22.14.0.54 * MB Free v3.4.5

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