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Using MBAE and OSArmor


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I have found that the enabling of the Anti-Exploit feature of OSArmor is incompatible with the parallel use of MBAE. System lockups can occur and also impairment of protected application performance. Simply disabling OSArmor's Anti-Exploit protection eliminates system lockups and protected applications run smoothly.

The Main Protections of OSArmor seem not to affect MBAE and operate unobtrusively. I guess that they are beneficial to the security of the systems on which those protections are applied. I have read nothing untoward about NoVirusThanks or OSArmor.

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My initial impressions have been modified. Encouraged by those with greater knowledge than mine of OSArmor, I have One Windows 7 SP1 (64bit) system and one Windows XP SP3 system using OSArmor 1.4 (Test34 version). I select only applications which are in use for the Anti-Exploit facility. It appears that the modus operandi for OSArmor is different from MBAE. As the man who jumped off the top of the Empire State Building was heard to say as he passed the 70th floor, "So far, so good."

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