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web proctection off and high cpu usuage

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I might have had the web protection issue before January, not sure. now i am having a new issue plus the web protection turning off and not turning back on. when malwarebytes is running the malwarebytes service is using high amounts of cpu, avg is around 50 percent. not scan is running that i know of and its not updating definitions that i know of. i have done the clean and restart and install of new malware bytes but still have the issue. sometimes when i start my computer it is fine, other times it will be fine for a bit then the web protection turns off.

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Hello @jkiejr

Could you try the following:

  • Open the Kaspersky Software turn off Kaspersky Advanced Disinfection
  • Click on Settings.Additional -> Threats & Exclusions, disable the Advanced Disinfection Technology.
  •  Also, In settings Click on Performance.
  • Uncheck Perform regular rootkit scan
    • It may also be labeled "Search for software that is intended to conceal traces of a malicious program in the system"
  • Reboot

Can you please let us know if that fixes your issue.

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