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Windows Defender Injection

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Can someone PLEASE help.

 I've read instructions on how to fix an error, but I cannot change the setting because I don't have the Premium version.

You can override this behaviour - in Malwarebytes > Settings > Application - set Windows Action Centre to "Never register Malwarebytes in the Windows Action Centre"

This is as far as I can get.



Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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4 minutes ago, mikespagz said:

Can someone PLEASE help.

The free version has no effect on the Windows Defender or the Action Center.

Why don't you run the MB-Clean tool and when it prompts for reinstall after the restart click no and Malwarebytes will completely be gone and you can deal with the Defender issue.  When the Defender issue is fixed reinstall MB.

Clean Tool   https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb_clean

Current MB installer  https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3

Please report back with your results.

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10 minutes ago, mikespagz said:

Many thanks my friend. I didn't know about the Clean Tool. Worked like a charm.

Thanks for the update.  If you have any more issues don’t hesitate to post.


Anyone else reading this topic and need assistance, Please START your OWN NEW Topic.


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