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Anti-Ransomware module


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Hallo i have Malwarebytes 3 pro but i need only the antiransoware module.

So i unistalled it and installed the antiramsoware beta.

I have few questions.

1)The antiransomware updates automatically to new versions?

2)It updates only on system startup?

3) do i need to put my malwarebytes license in it or it is free?



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Hi @boombastik- We think you'll be better protected with all the layers available in Malwarebytes Premium, but to directly answer your questions:

1. Yes, but updates are not frequent. Most come in the form of Component Update. Those come out every 4-6 weeks depending on varying factors.

2. The updater checks in within a few minutes of startup and then on an ~hourly basis.

3. As this is a Beta, no license is required.


Are you having problems with Malwarebytes Premium on your system? Is that why you uninstalled it?

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Thanks for your answer.

The only issue i have (and it will be not noticable for an average user) is the slow execution of exe files.

For example on a very high end gaming machine with no overclocks i7 4790 16gb ram and a ssd. The word 2016 open in 4 sec, edge take 5 sec  if i unistalled malwarebytes they loads up instantly..

I have found the slowest exe execution is when an exe is both handled by antimalware module and antiexploit module.

for example exe like: mozilla ,edge,internet explorer, word , excel,adobe acrobat.

The only other security program i have is eset but allso without it the execution is slow.

Maybe in future u need to create a cache system.



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Also, out of curiosity, with Malwarebytes Premium installed, if you selectively disable one protection layer at a time, perhaps even restarting the system between changes to clear the field so to speak, do you see any change in behavior? Or is it only when Malwarebytes is Quit (not running at all) or uninstalled where you see the improved behavior?

Edited by tetonbob
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I didnt try it but i had the same issue in mbam version 2. Its the antimalware engine that slow down the execution. (because it scanning the file) and propably more when also antiexploit involved.


But the standalone antiransoware i am sure it has zero impact in performance.

I know that malwarebytes has a hight detection rate so propably it makes complicated checks when i start a program so it slow downs but there is no need from my point of view to check again and again the same program if it it not modified.

Also i have in my pc 4 hard drives and 2 dvd roms. If i open my pc(shortcut in desktop) and go into c then go backwards then go into d then go backwords, theese all operations are slow. When i unistall the program i can visit any hard drive instanly. So i am sure some shield or all the program track every change of windows explorer.

I am thinking thats internally all these shields check one the other and slow down the  actions as i see that different teams create them and then all incorporated in the same product. They need to internally whitelist the action of eatch shields. That why i think the exe files that use also exploit shield make so mutch time to start.

lets make an another one example when i go to -http://www.userbenchmark.com/

and run all these benchmarks it says high cpu usage behind the scene after i finish the test without malwarebytes i dont have this indication.

That why i concluded that it no only scan the exe files for infections but tracks all the changes that the exe files makes.


*One other exe file that the team can try to check is windows mail that provided in windows 10 x64 bit and i have checked 3 different pcs.

with malwarebytes it opens in 3-4 sec. With only eset and standalone antiransoware it opens instanly.

Also track the cpu usage when you try to open it and without it.


In my opinion if the team has a way to make it more intelligent to not scan and track all same programs again and again and compromise a little of its security, personally i will pay this price.

Thnks for your time






Edited by boombastik
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