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MB3 conflicts?


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On 12/6/2017 at 2:43 PM, Roadrunner562 said:

I miss being able to run a scan on a single file or folder. I'm asked to check a cd/usb drive before it's put onto the network. Is this something that might be added to EP in the future?

@Roadrunner562, me too! I use MB3 at home and this is the single most important feature I miss in the business EP version of the product. I use it as you mentioned, and also to check attachments on emails before opening them. We use another AV alongside MBEP and it has its own context menu item (right-click on the file) to run a quick check on a single file. I use this feature all the time and am frustrated I can't do it with EP. I'm not a fan of polluting a product with a boatload of unnecessary features, but that one's a must-have for me.

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You can setup a scheduled scan from the cloud console to scan custom locations, give it the drive letter and it will scan it. But it is a song and dance to get the time right so you don't have to wait to long for it to kick off, but far enough ahead that the machine receives the job in time. I know this is not as easy but it's what we have for the moment. Right click scan is coming though!

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