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Web Protection Cannot be Truned on

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Have updated my MalwareBytes Premium to 3.3.1 in the hope that the problem with the Web Protection option keep turning off would be resolved but it has not.  In the past I used the Clean uninstall option, as well as reboots, etc and the Update was the latest attempt.   After reading that others had this problem, I have used the FRST and MB-Check utilities as suggested to them, and have attached resulting file here in the hope that issue can be identified / resolved.

For the record, using Windows 10 Pro, with all latest updates.


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3 hours ago, jbtapscott said:

Web Protection option keep turning off



We've seen some users report some issues with Kaspersky and Web Protection. Can you please add the following exclusions to Kaspersky and also under Kaspersky Settings -> Additional -> Threats & Exclusions, disable the Advanced Disinfection Technology.


Edited by Porthos
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