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Keep getting this blocked website when I open chrome

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Hi I'm having trouble with my windows 10 PC, last week I stupidly used slimdrivers to try and solve a monitor issue thinking it had a need for a new driver and couldn't see one on the benq site for my monitor, dumb I know now as it put on a malware as every hour of so this command prompt pops up but its flashes on and off too quick to read, so I ended up using processlasso_portable_64 and found this was so program had been installed, forgot the actual name now as deleted it but it was connected to Acer somehow.

Anyway I scanned and thought I was OK all last week until last night when I turned on I got a Kaspersky warning saying Kaspersky blocked download warning from a https: // coinhive.com/lib/coinhive.min.js and then I scanned with Malwarebytes and got a popup saying it had blocked

this warning this time saying website blocked but says domain N/A 
IP Address: this seems to be different every time but I've had these three -,,
Port: [49603]
Type: Outbound
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
Every time I open this particular chrome browser do I get this popup.
Also when I do a scan with malwarebytes included rootkit ticked I get three of these show up each time I quarantine them and delete and next time they show up again.
Google\Chrome\USER DATA\Profile 4\Web Data
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do, should I delete chrome completely and reinstall or will I have to even reinstall windows 10 completely.
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