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Ability to enter an IP so that is can be permanently Blocked.

Currently I am being hammered by a Hacker using brute force attacks on SMTP 25 and RDP.

All I can do is watch your popup messages. But why not actually just Block that IP address so he does not get past go and no continual popups ?

a) Block automatically

b) all the user to enter an IP to be blocked.

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  • Root Admin

Hello @Krammig

I'm sorry but that is a job for your Firewall. We block sites that are known to pose a threat to users.

It is very unlikely that anyone would single your computer out to attack it unless there was some soft of financial gain to be had. Normally most attacks are automated and no one is manually doing it.

It sounds like you may want to open a new topic in our Malware Removal section of the forum and have someone help review your computer to see what's going on.

Thank you



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