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Program issues

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On 3/17/2017 at 1:45 PM, dcollins said:

We are aware of an issue around this and are working internally on a solution for it. Unfortunately we don't have a workaround at this time.

     Here is what you screw ups can do...pull your broken garbage until the issue is fixed.  

     Your crap made my PC refuse to reboot.  I only ran it as several forums in regards to the system using too much RAM without reason mention your product.  I downloaded from the site, installed, ran it, got the message about needing to reboot, selected to do so....and that was two hours ago.  Still showing "Rebooting".  

     So yeah.  Pull it off your site with an "under maintenance" message or something until its issues are found and fixed.  Even Microsoft would have a problem screwing up that badly...and they've become notorious at screwing up.

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