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3d Coat and Steam


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I am receiving a quarantine notice which does not allow me to use my 3dCoat program.  I have not had this problem before.  I have uninstalled 3dcoat and steam and then reinstalled them only to get the same message from Malwarebytes that there is ransomware.  I can't tell if this is a false positive or not, please help.Capture.thumb.PNG.bb48d6b6d38bfb1f261e6e778ea2e21e.PNG

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This looks like a false positive indeed - however, we need more info.

So can you zip and attach the MBAMService.LOG, this so I can have a look why it was detected.

You can find this log in the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\LOGS

Also, I suggest that you add an exclusion for this file for the Antiransomware engine.

* To add the exclusion, open Malwarebytes > Settings > Exclusions tab
* Below, click the button: "Add Exclusion"
* Then, select "Exclude a File or Folder" (this should be prechecked already by default)
* Click Next
* You'll see a field that says: "Specify a File or Folder" - there, click the button "Select Files..." and browse to the file you want to exclude.
* For "How to Exclude", select: "Exclude from detection as malware, ransomware or potentially unwanted item" (this is normally also selected by default already)
* Then click the OK button below.

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