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Premium not updating automatically

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Hi, I have Malwarebytes Premium 3.1.2 which no longer updates automatically. For some time I've been having to check and update it myself. Now, I keep getting messages to say there's a new version available; but when I click to install it nothing happens. And now I can't even check for routine updates.

I raised a ticket with Malwarebytes support on 8 October but am still waiting for someone to get back to me. In the meantime I'm getting very edgy about the lack of security on my system.

Can anyone make any suggestions how to sort this out myself, or how to get Malwarebytes to respond to me?

Many thanks!

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Thanks, Porthos. I've downloaded the file as suggested, but it won't open (I just get the revolving symbol indicating that something is working, but nothing happens) so I can't install it. Any more ideas?

Still no reply from Malwarebytes. Wondering just what the benefits of paying for Premium are supposed to be...

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Update: Thanks again for trying to help, Porthos. For over a week I've been trying to update MWB several times a day, without success. Today it's suddently worked. What a relief. No idea what was different this time; I just hope it manages to update itself automatically now.

But no thanks to MWB Support. Seeing I pay for Premium I think it's reasonable to have some help when there are problems with the software and my computer becomes insecure as a result. I'm now into the second week without any help from them. A little ironic that MWB has been busy collecting awards this last week.

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