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Bug notification: Firefox and Chrome hanging in Windows XP

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Hi all

I just spent 2 hours helping a client over remote desktop with crashing Firefox and hanging Google Chrome in Windows XP.

The problem is caused by Malwarebytes Premium (Home user).

The solution is to go to Malwarebytes > Settings > Protection tab. Disable the option: "enable self protection module".

Everything works thereafter.

Hope this helps somebody.

EDIT: I looked down the forum and this has been noted before and is apparently sorted with an update.
Not everyone has the update and I haven't tested the update, so use this solution if it helps you.



IT Support & Diagnostic Specialist, Melbourne Australia.


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Hello @MasterAnt

There is an issue with getting the update on XP using the "Get latest installation updates".

The best way to get the latest update is to download our latest released installer from https://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mb3

Run the installer on top of the existing product. You don't need to uninstall the previous product.

With the latest installer you should be good to go on XP.

Let us know how things went.

Thank you

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Hi Nikhils

Thanks for your suggestion. I did exactly this and it did upgrade the Component Updates to version x.207 after installing the complete program.

Firefox did open better than before, at first sight.

However, after three or four opens and closes of Chrome, programs started jamming. They start accumulating entries in Task Manager and not much loads thereafter.

Programs such as Chrome, Firefox and Adobe Reader don't open. They just start and jam..

I then went to Services and stopped Malwarebytes and after ending a few tasks everything went back to normal and worked again.

Though I think this issue has been worked on, I don't believe it is solved. I have MBAM completely disabled at the moment, but not uninstalled, and things are 100%.

It's not that easy to test as this is my client in another country that I do remote support work for.

We'll wait for another update and confirmation that everything has been tested to work 100%.





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Hello @MasterAnt

We are aware of the issues cropping up with windows XP and are actively researching them from our end.

In the meanwhile can you please help us with the following logs/dumps.

Please collect the following logs using the following forum posts.

Also when Chrome  crashes please do this:

1. Go to the Taskmanager

2. Go to the Processes tab.

3. Right click on the crashing Chrome process and click on "Create Dump File"

Please attach the Dump file to this post. Also can you attach the screenshot of the crash .

Thank you.

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Unfortunately, as remote IT support is my business, I only get to work on a client's computer when things are broken and so cannot login for testing. Therefore we're in the same boat and we'd have to setup a test computer to get this info. If I can get you any of that info, I'll let you know. It's just something I'd have to do as a sideline project and unfortunately doesn't get high priority in my line of work.


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