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On 9/22/2017 at 10:19 PM, jdschaefer said:

I need help as soon as possible.  I have a couple computers on the network that keep getting Backdoor.Agent.Generic.  It creates exe files in the windows directory that is always a series of numbers and it creates services to start the .exe.  Windows Defender will find and remove and so will Malwarebytes Endpoint but within 24 hours the files come back with different file names but always a series of numbers.   I ran various rootkit and antivirus scanners including Kasperky Virus Removal Tool and once the files are removed nothing is found until the next day.

Please help!

Logs are attached.

mbam-log-2017-09-22 (18-53-57).txt



I have this same problem.  Did you ever find a resolution?

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