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Decided it was time to upgrade from MBAM v2 to v3.

Turned off MBARW, MBAM startup with Windows, MBAM self-protection (didn't find where to disable MBAE) and then restarted PC.

Downloaded mb-clean- and ran it. Clicked yes to reboot. Clicked yes to install v3. Clicking on MBAM icon did not do anything so I restared PC.

Pop-up: Unable to connect to service. Can now open MBAM. Lifetime license did not transer.

Downloaded mb-check- and FRST64.exe. Files follow.





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Was there a reason you used mb-clean instead of just a normal install of MB3 over top of MBAM2.x? That normally shouldn't be needed.

As for your issue, are you still getting the unable to connect to service, or are you able to open Malwarebytes 3 now, and just need to activate it?

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  1. Download FRST and save it to your desktop
    Note: You need to run the version compatible with your system. You can check here if you're not sure if your computer is 32-bit or 64-bit
  2. Download fixlist.txt from this post and save it to your desktop
  3. Double-click to run FRST and when the tool opens click "Yes" to the disclaimer
  4. Press the "Fix" button
  5. This will produce a file named fixlog.txt on your desktop
  6. Please restart and see if you get the error
  7. If you do get the same error still, please upload the fixlog.txt file as well the results of running mb-check again


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Thank you. I downloaded the txt file and ran FRST (Fix). Restarted PC and still have the 'Unable to connect to service' pop-up.


I did supply my license info and that worked. Ran two scans, the second with Rootkits checked and it did fine.

Updates are current.

MBAM ver

Component pkg ver 1.0.122

Update pkg ver 1.0.2075


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MBARW should not be installed separately from MB3 as it's now bundled. Let's try this:

  1. Run mb-clean from https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb_clean
  2. After rebooting, choose not to reinstall yet
  3. Download the latest MBARW from https://malwarebytes.box.com/s/znlajk1tlmzbm2x3vb4enkik7lreqxd9
  4. Install MBARW
  5. Reboot
  6. Uninstall MBARW
  7. Reboot
  8. Download the latest version of MB3 from https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3
  9. Install MB3 and re-activate

After this, your issue should be resolved

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Thank you.

Completed the nine steps and did a final restart. No longer getting the  'Unable to connect to service' pop-up and the older folders are gone. Activated license. Ran updates and a full scan which included Rootkits. It all looks good. I appreciate the time that you took to help me. Good luck on the roll-out.

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If I may chime in - I have similar/same experience

install over fail (as with all previour updates)
result in 'unable to connect service'
mbclean then reboot then reinstall the current Malwarebytes 3.1 -- 1.0.139
need to reactivate and reconfigure personal settings

(if fail again, then i go to win > programs files > manual delete the MB folder and reboot then reinstall)
currently been using for last 24hr - ALL GOOD :)
thank you kindly

hope yours get work out soon

thank you MB staff and creator :)

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On 6/2/2017 at 4:08 PM, dcollins said:

Was there a reason you used mb-clean instead of just a normal install of MB3 over top of MBAM2.x? That normally shouldn't be needed.

The exact same question about going from v2 to v3 and it is advised to use mb-clean.  A united front would be good.


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