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Do you test your software?

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I don't mean this to be a snarky comment in this thread, but I am wondering how you test your software before you push out a new database to users or do you wait until users start complaining there is a problem? I hope that you do some sort of regression testing before releasing software to your users, it does wonders for your reputation both good and bad....

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I've been a MB user for a long time and V3 has been the only product that has given me any problems. When you consider the scale of the support / protection V3 provides I feel it is still the gold standard in virus, malware and intrusion protection.

When I first installed V3 it was twitchy but the support team worked with me to identify the causes and implement the necessary tweaks to establish 2 fully functional installations. 1 AMD based and 1 Intel based in a very short time, 

Something else to consider, especially if you are running any version of Win 10, the playing field and the rules are in constant flux ....... I'm not sure Microsoft knows exactly what is contained in all the permutations of the updates when they are deployed.

I think the MB Staff does a remarkable job of keeping our systems seamlessly chugging along dependably protecting us from all manner of attacks.

For what it's worth that's my 2 cents


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We actually do a lot of testing and validation.  While I don't know the precise details of the problem, it had something to do with our servers loading 0Kb files to our 64-bit Windows users.  I have been told that they do understand why it happened and that they are taking measures to prevent it from happening again, although I don't know what measures those will be as it may be something that requires an update to the software or simply a change to some of the code used by our updating servers depending on where the problem actually occurred.

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