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CVS Blocked


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I'm also having this issue with CVS emails, is this company suddenly using infected email services? my block is for img.ed4.net

How about some more information on this problem as to why it's being done and if CVS has been notified to correct it and not just CLOSING THE TOPIC  after a half A55 explanation. Malywarebytes has been having  nothing but all kinds problems since the 3.0 update was rolled out 

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-Log Details-
Protection Event Date: 4/23/17
Protection Event Time: 9:20 AM
Logfile: CVS BLOCK.txt
Administrator: Yes

-Software Information-
Components Version: 1.0.103
Update Package Version: 1.0.1791
License: Premium

-System Information-
OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
CPU: x64
File System: NTFS
User: System

-Blocked Website Details-
Malicious Website: 1
, , Blocked, [-1], [-1],0.0.0

-Website Data-
Domain: img.ed4.net
IP Address:
Port: [53617]
Type: Outbound
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Mail\wlmail.exe

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Hello tmikct,

The hostname has been blocked for multiple malicious sources -

hxxp://img.ed4.net/dcsg/images/09_EasyToneTour/ => https://virustotal.com/en/file/fdaf6f07edbfb23407bccbc2bd5566a9c7cb3623054b2d11b0813a03c81a91a1/analysis/1492354812/



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